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Annual agreement with Ewals

This past May, Ewals Cargo Care and ICTS solidified their collaboration with an annual contract encompassing 12 coil trailers.

Ewals Cargo Care is known for designing innovative, unconventional logistics solutions, grounded in smart systems, efficient processes, and constant innovation. This strategic approach enables the family-owned enterprise to stay at the forefront of the market, adeptly addressing new logistical challenges for their customers. In addition to this, Ewals boasts a fleet of Mega Huckepack trailers and a comprehensive multimodal network that seamlessly integrates transport via road, rail, and water.

Bart van Rens, the Fleet Control Manager at Ewals, spoke about the annual contract and the enduring bond with ICTS: "The 12 coil trailers are strategically intended for handling steel loads in Scandinavia, aiming to enhance our operations.”

Regarding the company's collaborative history with ICTS, van Rens added, “We have enjoyed a productive relationship with ICTS right from the outset.”

“Our collaboration initially revolved around repair and maintenance services, and we now provide trailers daily for the General Periodic Inspection (APK) and extensive repairs. To keep everyone up-to-speed, we consistently share technical information through hands-on training in our workshops. Moreover, we arrange an annual training day dedicated to fleet updates.”

It seems this partnership is, indeed, a match made in heaven!